Sitemap - 2023 - the braid

2. the year I became a pendulum

1. the year I became a sports mom

Cool Shit to Give to People you Love!

first love is a haunted house

on learning to be a mother from afar

there will grow the olive tree

"don't worry. it will grow"

Myth, Tarot and the Archetypes of Healing

Take a Poem, Leave a Poem

writing about death during a war

on the nuances of grief and allowing each other to explore them without attack

in which I attempt the impossibility of articulating the language of my cells

Godmothers & Angelghosts

mothers are people, too

refuse feedback (when you need to) and it will set you free

when you know better but do it anyway

"and the feet broke free..."

In Transition and Through Chaos, We Sing

what it means to survive, a guest post by Amanda Montei

Sext, Lies and Do Not Disturb Mode

Season's Greetings from my Covid Lair

Style, Break-up-Style

This Barbie... is afraid to hurt Ken's Feelings. Until She's not.

a prayer for a little less chaos, maybe

on autonomous women and the men who "love" them, then lose their minds when they can't pin them behind glass like butterflies

Two Birthdays, Four Graduations, One Funeral and a Wedding in the Woods.

Let the Light In

Coming up for Air

to buy, keep, store... and give away

"Because of her, I was..."

When You Inherit the Family Secrets

the grief of a closed piercing

The Dream of the 80s are Alive in Our Instincts to Self Preserve

Right Lane Must Exit

the urge to rebound

this is me, preparing

to the girl buying a single box of tampons at the drug store. sincerely, the woman in front of you buying milk.

on dating women after (cis) men

the lifespan of a death

The dream of the 90s is alive in our internalized misogyny

six stitches

Housekeeping, Month Two-ish

Three Dates

how hard is your soft launch

Geometry Midterms

my abortion was an affirmation of life

a prayer for chaos in the new year