This post makes me want to tell you everything about my life as a dog momma. How I let my boy go in early hours of December 23. How he also got carsick and that I figured out a small garbage bin worked so much better to catch it than a plastic bag (he gave notice but timing was not predictable).

How I’m getting a new dog and waiting so goddamn patiently for her to be cleared to take home. How my therapist said it’s ok and not too soon and not completely nuts. How she might be a replacement for my girlfriend since I’m grieving our breakup and also losing my sweet boy.

But really I just wanna say I get it and I’m also in the big tent with all the other dog people.

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His little snaggle tooth! I love him!

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Ahem. Small price to pay to the PARBY gods. Also, yay TRAAAVISSS 🥰♥️

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Ha! Touche. <3

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This post is going to help my kids get through something. Thank you for this. PS I LOVE YOUR SHITTING HUMPING ANGEL SO MUCH!

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<3 <3 <3

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I love this so much. We also had the perfect dog once (but yes who we had to avoid other dogs with 😌) and were crushed when he was gone. We moved on too quickly (my ex’s choice) so in the divorce he kept him which is still heartbreaking to me but meant I got two cats (a dream of mine and my kids). I haven’t started looking at men but relate to the chase of the dog, and really resonate with the analogy. Such a beautiful post.

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Thank you. And ❤️.

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Maggie was an amazing animal! Human in so many ways. I sense that Travis was sent by Maggie….kindred spirits 🩷

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Partay on with your bad selves!

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I love him

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